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Sunday, December 13, 2009


Krysten Marshall has one of the coolest jobs in today's world. Not many people get to go to work in a building also inhabited by dinosaurs, and no I'm not talking about nursing homes. Marshall works for the PR Department at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History.

The Sam Noble Museum of Natural History is a treasure-trove of information and experiences that is one of OU's best kept secrets. With free admission to OU students and the chance for some to serve internships while at the university, the Sam Noble Museum offers a wide range of opportunities.

Krysten Marshall works with the PR Department on endless projects throughout the year. She is a 2007 graduate of the University of Oklahoma, and actually was able the get the job at the museum through an internship she was serving under Linda Coldwell, head of the PR Department.

Krysten Marshall here is speaking on Journalism in today's world and the new skills young professionals will have to start learning to hold the successful edge in the mediasphere.

Although the media world is facing challenges and are requiring students to learn a vast amount of skills to keep up, there is hope for those who develop connections and do their research ahead of time.

"It's become more about who you know than what you know." Says Marshall. She couldn't be more correct, developing connections with future employers is a huge part of getting plugged in to the media business.

Krysten Marshall speaking on what a PR professional does in the museum field.

The PR Department may be in charge of getting information out there, but sometimes the medium which exhibits are advertised can take down the wrong information. It's people like Pam Stewart, Administration for the Sam Noble Museum, who can answer questions and correct misprints of information in place of the PR Department.

Pam Stewart, Administration for the Sam Noble Natural History Museum, speaking
on what she does and helps the PR Department do in her work at the museum.

Essentially working in a museum is about teamwork and covering each others back. Projects and exhibits are advertised by PR and if a good chain of communication isn't present, it can be difficult to make deadlines and put out correct information.

This assignment and looking at Marshall's job has shown me the benefits of working in the non-profit sector as well as giving me an inside view of the fun that takes place in the PR office.



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